Message from Stanford Beasley, Executive Director

The Canton Housing Authority is “changing lives one key at a time,” and we are proud of the service that we provide to the affordable housing community within the City of Canton and surrounding areas. The need for affordable housing continues to grow, and the CHA is working diligently through public and private partnerships in addressing this growing need.
I am excited about our latest three acquisitions of Royal Estates (32 units), Canton Manor (32 Units), and Madison Heights (80 Units). Rehab of all three of these affordable housing developments will begin within six months.
The Canton Housing Authority is always looking at ways in which we can make the lives of those we serve better. For the next few years the Canton Housing Authority has decided to “grow” housing through new construction and partnerships with affordable housing developers; “advocate” on behalf of clients for public policies and laws that do not have an adverse impact on the constituents we serve; and “preserve” our current housing stock and other developments through acquisitions that are already designated as affordable.
Again, welcome and enjoy navigating through our website!!!
Stanford Beasley,
Executive Director
Mission Statement
To provide safe, decent, and affordable housing with reasonable accommodations for eligible citizens of Canton, Mississippi, and to encourage programs that promote self-sufficiency, empowerment, respect, and a great quality of life.
Implementing Public Housing Programs in Canton, Mississippi
The Housing Authority of the City of Canton was established in 1952 with the purpose of providing decent, safe, and sanitary housing at an affordable cost. Canton Housing Authority is located in the city of Canton approximately 30 miles north of Jackson, Mississippi, and falls within the jurisdiction of Madison County. The Canton Housing Authority (CHA) efficiently operates 150 low-income public housing units located between two (2) developments (Joe Prichard and Pat Doherty Homes) that are centrally located within the city limits.
The public housing authority (PHA) is not a federal department or federal agency. The public housing program is administered at the local level by PHAs authorized by State legislation and generally established by action of a town, city, county, regional area, or state.
The agency is managed by an executive director, Stanford H. Beasley, and a five (5) member Board of Commissioners.